If you have comments or questions about filters, you can ask them here.

And I have just looked at the screenshots of the GiMP 2.6 upgrade. It's a radical interface change, and it looks like some functions will be beefed up. For those of you tracking what this blog is doing, (or lack thereof) I'm not going to change from 2.4 until we get a tested and stable version of 2.6. And to be sure, I won't change the tutorials that I have posted here ever -- I may rework them and label them with GiMP version numbers, but until the end of 2008 at least this site will be tutorializing from GiMP 2.4.


Jim Crigler said…
I dunno. The two screenshots I found on the developer website had a different look-and-feel (TM Lotus 1-2-3) but the toolbox and the brushes looked pretty much the same to me. There's a default empty canvas, maybe, with a cute faded logo (probably until you start actually doing something). Can you point to other screenshots that show what you're talking about?

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